
- We Gather To Worship -

Sunday Worship @ 9:15am + Fellowship Time before/after Worship

September-April: Wednesday Worship @ 6:15pm [+ 5:15pm Free Meal with fellowship & youth programming]

Summer: Monthly Weekday Worship @ 6:15pm on 4th Wednesday [May 22, June 26, July 24]


Our worship includes singing songs and hearing music both traditional and new. Trinity's congregation also supports worship music by lending their musical talents to Trinity's choir and Trinity's Worship band, the New Life Band.


Our worship includes hearing the Bible read aloud, hearing a proclamation of the Gospel, and hearing a sermon that is meant to inspire and challenge. 


Our worship includes weekly communion where we receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ - a celebration of Christ's victory over death on our behalf. 


Our worship includes praying for the world and for our neighbors. It includes members talking, laughing, embracing, and supporting one another with joy.